Thursday, June 14, 2007

Micro Business Associates Announces New Web Hosting and Marketing Services

Micro Business Associates (MBA) announced they’ve implemented a new site offering domain name services, Web hosting, marketing tips and virtual office solutions to the small business community.

Micro Business Associates announced it has launched, which will provide a range of services and solutions for small and home-based businesses. The new service features a complete line of domain sales and affordable Web hosting to help businesses reach a wider market.
“Advances in modern communications technologies have allowed small businesses to service much larger markets at lower costs than ever before,” Dan Buck, CEO of Micro Business Associates, said in a PRLeap release.

“Network marketing and MLM companies are increasingly using the Internet and conference call services to recruit and train new consumers and distributors.” He also stated, “Unfortunately the new distributor is often sold an expensive ‘affiliate’ website and left to sink or swim after they have purchased their inventory and used up their face-to-face warm market.” Buck stated that studies say up to 92% of new distributors quit within the first six months, and another 3-5% don’t last a year in the same MLM business.

In an attempt to fill the marketing gaps for small and start-up businesses, MBA is providing a comprehensive array of executive consulting, marketing training and virtual office solutions for these new entrepreneurs. offers everything from simple domain registration, shared blog and website hosting (from $4.49/mo.) to build your own dedicated web servers for unlimited website applications and bandwidth.


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