Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Advantages Of Videoconferencing

Video conferencing permits a large or small number of individuals to communicate in real time, no matter where they are located.Via audio and video transmissions, the parties will be able to discuss, conference, and compare charts, graphs, and other items. This combination of visual data with voice interaction and video reality makes this as most useful tool for many business and individuals alike.Yet what exactly are the advantages of VC.

The advantages may differ slightly from business to business, here is a list of overall advantages as they may be experienced by most are below...

1. It is a lot less expansive than traveling.If you consider that the average business trip requires two way transportation to and from the location, accommodations, quite possibly car rental or other transportation at the target location, meals, entertainment of clients, and various other incidentals, it is easy to understand that a video conference that will keep the employee or executive in the office rather than traveling halfway across the county is indeed a money saving idea.

Some of the hidden costs that can be avoided as well are insurance premiums to cover the traveling employee, the cost of hiring a temporary replacement or the overtime to cover the workload of the employee, as well as the money that it costs to call together a meeting for the debriefing.As you can see, the time that is lost in travel is useable in video conferencing.

2. In addition to the foregoing, VC requires the participants to be well prepared ahead of the conference.Gone are the days when an employee is flying across country only to realize that she or he left a big presentation in the office at home.With videoconferencing, all office applications and files are immediately accessible.Additionally, to make the conference go well, all participants will want to have their presentations together and ready for sharing.

3. Of course, quite possibly the greatest advantage of VC is the easy access a business or company has to experts.Law offices in particular will appreciate the ability to solicit expert testimony from the best and brightest in their fields. Not to be forgotten, the medical profession, too, greatly benefits from videoconferencing since experts from across the country or even across the world are able to collaborate and find solutions to baffling cases.


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