Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Conference Call Services - Video Teleconferencing

Conference calling works like a telephone call, which allows the calling-party to have more than one called-party to listen or to communicate. Conference calling can be customized as per requirements: the called-party can be allowed to speak or just make to listen to the audio portion of the calling-party. Conference calling has been a great asset to the business world, and it is also known as Audio Teleconferencing among the corporate professionals. Though conference calling has been used for quite a long-time, but some latest additions to its technology and infrastructure have rendered a new image to it, and have boosted its use in many other sectors apart from the business.

A conference call service certainly has advantages over conventional systems and methods for any business. The competition among the conference call service providers is increasing, and more and more features are emerging to assist the business. Some companies offer global dial-out, record and playback, security pass-codes, conference lock, group mute/un-mute, and roll call, etc., as specialized features of conference call services. It is clear that you can manage your budget better through these services, though the outcomes of these conferences are as effective as it had been with the conventional systems.

Well, with the advancement in technology and also the competition in the market, there are many services offered by companies. However if your conference includes some old managers, corporate professionals, and people who are not too used to the system of audio conference calls, it may not be a smooth process as you would have imagined! So, make sure that all participants for the conference are aware about the system that you are going to use.

Video teleconferencing, as clear from the name itself, is a technology that allows two or more locations or parties to interact through two-way video and audio transmissions, simultaneously. Video teleconferencing is one of the most advanced forms of conference calls, and has a tremendous effect on almost all aspects of business. Video teleconferencing is a relatively new technique and requires a lot of infrastructural setup, software, and network. However, with the advent of Internet, it has been made quite easy and economic, as more efficient video compression technologies were developed that permit desktop-based video teleconferencing


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