Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Verizon To Open Nework to Outside Devices
The move comes only weeks after Google announced an alliance with a group of wireless carriers and handset manufacturers, including Sprint and T-Mobile, to create a new mobile platform that will be open to third-party developers.
During a conference call, Verizon Wireless CEO and President Lowell McAdam said the decision to open up its network was driven by a rapidly expanding universe of options for mobile consumers. "We're constantly monitoring market forces, and have seen the accelerated pace of innovation and expanding degree of customer demand for multiple business models," McAdam says.
McAdam and other Verizon executives emphasized that its "Any Apps, Any Device" initiative would not change its existing "walled garden" business model. "We believe most customers still want the full-service model that exists today," McAdam says. "This will complement, not replace, our successful full-service model."
But he acknowledged that subscribers increasingly want more choices as cell phones turn into mini-multimedia players. "What this separate and distinct model does is really tap into those customers looking for complete control of their device," McAdam says.
Through its V Cast data service, Verizon already offers subscribers a variety of content from music to video clips to mobile TV at an additional charge. But the major carriers' own media offerings compete with a growing selection of "off deck" applications provided by outside companies and developers.
The largest U.S. wireless carrier plans to unveil open access nationwide by the end of 2008. Early next year, it will publish technical standards that allow outside developers to create mobile products that will run on Verizon's CDMA-based network. Any device meeting the criteria will be approved for use, and will allow consumers to run any application they choose.
Customers will be able to activate devices either online or by calling an 800 number set up by Verizon. Otherwise, responsibility for troubleshooting problems with devices or applications will rest with device makers themselves.
Verizon intends to host a conference early next year to explain standards and receive input from the development community on how best to meet consumer needs. In seeking to attract developers to create new devices and applications for its network, Verizon will be competing with Google's planned Android platform.
Google has already begun offering cash prizes to developers who come up with applications that are included its own mobile platform. The first Android-powered phone is scheduled to come out in the latter half of 2008 from T-Mobile.
During the conference call, John Stratton, chief marketing officer for Verizon Communications, said the company's move toward open access has no bearing on whether it will join Google's Open Handset Alliance of more than 30 carriers and device makers. But he added that any devices or applications created for the Android platform would not necessarily be precluded from using them on Verizon's network.
Some mobile analysts speculated yesterday that Verizon's initiative was prompted--at least in part--by the open access rules built into the upcoming auction of 700MHz wireless spectrum. The rules are intended to increase consumer choice on devices and applications used on the new spectrum. Google and various activist groups pushed for adoption of open access rules by the Federal Communications Commission.
But McAdam denies that regulatory pressure had any influence over its decision to open up its network. "What goes on Capitol Hill or what's being discussed about potential 700MHz rules really doesn't play into this," he says. "It's really focused on meeting customers' needs."
Analysts said the move could position Verizon well to expand its offerings while maintaining its traditional closed network. "Verizon Wireless' upside is that it will sell services to users that it wouldn't have had access to in its more traditional development and distribution model," said William Ho, a wireless analyst for technology research firm Current Analysis.
But they say questions still remain about how Verizon will monetize its open access business model and what impact it will have on quality of network service. "More devices mean more network usage, which means degradation of quality," wrote Om Malik, founder of the popular GigaOm technology blog. "Will Verizon keep investing ginormous amounts of money to keep the moniker, "America's most reliable network"?
Monday, December 17, 2007
Conference Call Tips: A Common Sense Guide
Conference Call Tips: A Common Sense Guide
Advantages and Disadvantages of Conference Calling
The biggest advantage, for many companies, in choosing audio or web conferencing over video conferencing is the cost. Audio conferencing tends to be the cheapest. Virtually the only costs involved when choosing audio conferencing is the cost of a telephone and then the charge of a long distance call. Many companies already have phones with a built-in speakerphone and if not they can be purchased for as little as $100.
However there are disadvantages in choosing audio conferencing as well. The first distinct disadvantage is that businesses lose personal relations when all they hear is a colleague's voice. Jokes and remarks can be taken the wrong way or be offending when those involved can not see a caller's smile of facial expression. Another disadvantage to audio conferencing is that the quality of the call declines as additional locations are added. When several parties are involved the chance of two of them talking at the same time are great and neither of them will have their thoughts heard.
Web conferencing offers its rewards and shortcomings as well. While web conferencing can be free, it is usually in the companies best interest to choose to pay a little more to avoid annoying ads and pop ups. Web conferencing is especially useful for business calls that involve viewing digital files because these files can be sent in an instant via email to all parties involved. Documents can be viewed, analyzed and returned so they can be discussed all at once rather than waiting and communicating through mail or several phone calls. Web conferencing also allows more than one person to talk or type at once without going unheard.
Like any type of conference calling though, web conferencing also has its disadvantages. One of these down sides is that, again, it is difficult to gauge a person's seriousness or humor in a comment. There is no personality in a typed sentence. It is also difficult for those who are uncomfortable with technology to use web conferencing efficiently.
Finally the biggest advantage to video conferencing is that it offers a visual connection with the other attendees. When using video conferencing callers are able to view each other on a TV screen and hear each other through the speaker system. Associates are able to hear each other's voices, put a voice to a face, and understand each other's joke and comments. Financially, the cost of video conferencing is quite a bit higher due to the equipment that is involved. If equipment is not high quality it can also be limiting because the video feed can be jerky or delayed. Whatever type a business chooses, every type of conference call has it ups and downs.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Multiple Conference Call Options Can Best Serve the Organization
Organizations throughout the world operate as global corporations with offices, employees and customers located anywhere and everywhere. Often, the telephone can serve as a great means of communication, but in business processes today it is not necessarily the first. Instead, the corporation must be structured such that the communication channel, like a conference call can be selected to fit the communication need.
A Conference Call is especially handy when trying to conduct meetings or training sessions with dispersed employees. Organizations have found that significant costs can be cut in travel budgets by bringing together key employees on a conference call using teleconferencing platforms to conduct meetings or training sessions. With a conference call, the platform helps to facilitate team work and increased participation, without incurring travel costs.
As beneficial as a conference call can be, organizations must also rely on a video conference call to realize advanced benefits. With a video conference call, each member of the meeting can interact visually as well as audibly, and capture non-verbal communication, in addition to verbal communication while allowing participants to feel more valuable as a part of the team. In addition, a video conference call can play a key role in communicating with distant or overseas clients who desire a more hands-on relationship.
The enterprise can also take advantage of web conferencing options for their conference calls. Such a platform can deliver all of the benefits of teleconferencing, while also facilitating web interactions for live, interactive presentations. For those meeting or training participants who want a chance to review the content, it can be available online for reference or to be used again.
With so many options in communications, it can be challenging for the organization to select just one. The good news is that only selecting one will limit the organization’s ability to communicate in the method that best suits the meeting and its audience and the best method is to offer more than one option.
Take for instance the CEO who must sit it on the year-end meeting to appease board members and ensure the company is ready to release its quarterly reports. The CEO is actually vacationing in Mexico and the meeting is scheduled in the middle of his beach time. He can still adequately participate in the conference call via teleconferencing, but is likely to dislike the video conferencing option as he is sporting his latest beach wear.
While this example may be a little less likely, communicating with a client who prefers not to be on video is quite possible. Having the ability to offer this client their preferred method of communication is essential to making him or her feel comfortable – a key element to winning and maintaining his or her business.
For the most complete selection of conferencing tools available, organizations must turn to a vendor who can provide what they need and when they need it. A proven solutions provider can help to best identify those needs and the solutions to have in place to promote positive and productive communications. It is the necessary evil of the business world – and a great way to get things done.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Conference Calling Services Extra Features
First, a company will need to choose which type of conference calling service is best for them. Un-moderated, pre-arrange conference is a popular option for smaller companies who do not use conferencing very often. When conferencing calling needs are low this type of service is extremely economical because it charges by the minute per participant. There is also the option of instant access conference calling which allows companies that use conferencing calling services frequently to not have to arrange the meeting in advance. When using this type of conference calling service a moderator is issued call-in numbers and room-access numbers that can be handed out and dialed in at a moment's notice. However, there are some limitations to instant access conference calling including limits set on the number of attendees. Also, there are not many add-on options available with instant access conferencing.
After choosing a type of conference calling service, businesses also have the option of adding extra features that can help enhance their conference calling needs. One of the most common add-on features is a meeting entry announcement function. When using this function, anyone who dials into the call will need to record their name prior to being admitted into the conferencing room. Once they are admitted their recorded name will play so all participant will know who is present.
Another popular add-on feature is combining voice conferencing with web conferencing, which includes not just hosting the conference call through the internet but adding a visual component. This visual component allows participants to follow along with a slide show presentation, discussion of a document or other graphic representation. This feature is especially beneficial to companies who have employees that travel often or companies that need to share data with associates across the globe.
A third add-on feature for conference calling services is the ability to record conference calls. Some services offer playback over the web which is available almost instantly after the meeting. Other services send recordings as a data file that need to be downloaded in order to play it back on a computer. Depending on your businesses needs some services can also provide a tape or CD of the recording. When choosing these extra add-on features make sure you keep in mind the budget and needs of your company. There is no need to spend money on a feature that will not be utilized regularly.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Conference Call Tips: A Common Sense Guide
1.Never use a cell phone to join a conference call. The only exception being if you are inside a car and everyone on the call knows you will be joining from the road.
2.Make sure the phone you are using has no static or other interference. There's nothing more distracting than someone's phone emitting strange noises, detracting from the year end review.
3.If you are a work from home employee, plan on immobilizing yourself for the duration of the call. Don't wash the dishes while the boss is detailing the fiscal year finances. It can really dry up your career potential if they hear that water splashing.
4.Know your devices. If you're using a speakerphone, know what buttons to push to mute the speaker. In fact, use the mute button to eliminate the chance of your coffee spilling onto your laptop and the explicative flying from your mouth. If you're using a headset, become accustomed to it before doing your first conference call. Know how the mute button works and test it out. It's better to be prepared then telling everyone how miserable you are on the call, when you thought only your coworker would hear.
5.Know the times and agenda for each meeting before calling in to the call. This conference call tips will help you to stay focused throughout the call and not talk about something unrelated, when you believed you were involved on a different call.
6.Take notes, but try to do it on paper, not with the clacking of the laptop keys resounding in the speakerphone. If you must use your laptop, mute the microphone until you need to be heard. After all, you can't take notes while you're speaking.
7.If there are a lot of people on the conference call, introduce yourself when you speak. It can be done without much formality, but its better they know who is sharing the golden idea, before someone else slips in to take credit.
There are many conference call tips that can assist you in dealing with behaviors and appearances. It is important to remember to use common sense. The best conference call tips come from knowing yourself and your own limitations. By being professional, courteous, and insightful on the conference call, the rest will just fall into place.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
NoiseFree VoIP Enterprise Package Provides Significant Cost Discounts for Volume IT and Mobile Professional Teams
"NoiseFree VoIP has proven to be a very effective tool for our company," said Bob Scarborough, President of Tensoft, (a multi-national software company serving semiconductor, software, and technology companies all over the world). "We make a lot of VoIP calls to a large division in India as well as customers and suppliers throughout Asia. Telecommunications is a critical component of customer satisfaction so we are using VoIP extensively. NoiseFree VoIP installed in our PCs and laptops has improved our call quality by removing background noise at both ends of our two party calls and our conference calls and we are very pleased with the results."
NoiseFree VoIP Enterprise is and easy-to-implement way to improve the quality of service for VoIP personal calls and VoIP conference calls. NoiseFree VoIP was launched as a beta version in October and the GA version was released in November and is available for individual download and purchase at the Noise Free Already more than three thousand users have downloaded the software application and Enterprise IT management is beginning to recognize the benefit of providing noise cancellation and the ability to boost voice signals for all VoIP based call services.
Since VoIP has no native noise cancellation or noise cancellation standard, NoiseFree VoIP provides a significant reduction in background noise which often hinders a VoIP call. Customers have marveled at the way in which the software reduces or eliminates such disturbances as PC/server fan noise, traffic and automobile noise, and many other types of noise that were prevalent in their VoIP calls from both home and office.
NoiseFree VoIP utilizes patented technology to deliver unrivaled transmit signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) enhancement in excess of 15dB, ensuring that callers can be heard clearly regardless of background noise environments including airport traffic, street noise and sirens, loud crowds, and even espresso machines. Noise in excess of 80dB is reduced or eliminated with the software. 80-85dB noise levels are prevalent in very loud restaurants where even a face to face conversation is difficult and around operating machinery such as tractors, airplanes, among others. For best results, both callers should install NoiseFree VoIP in their computers.
Noise Free VoIP Features-- Patent pending noise cancellation technology that detects and suppresses background noise to enhance user speech clarity -- Speech intelligibility enhancement -- Advanced Voice Activity Detection -- User-friendly installation -- Readily available through download -- Low power consumption -- Wide band codec
NoiseFree VoIP supports a wide variety of VoIP Software and Services Yahoo Messenger(TM), Google Talk(TM) and Soft Phones. It has been tested and is compatible with Windows(TM) XP and Vista (32 bit).
Monday, December 10, 2007
Multiple Conference Call Options Can Best Serve the Organization
Organizations throughout the world operate as global corporations with offices, employees and customers located anywhere and everywhere. Often, the telephone can serve as a great means of communication, but in business processes today it is not necessarily the first. Instead, the corporation must be structured such that the communication channel, like a conference call can be selected to fit the communication need.
A Conference Call is especially handy when trying to conduct meetings or training sessions with dispersed employees. Organizations have found that significant costs can be cut in travel budgets by bringing together key employees on a conference call using teleconferencing platforms to conduct meetings or training sessions. With a conference call, the platform helps to facilitate team work and increased participation, without incurring travel costs.
As beneficial as a conference call can be, organizations must also rely on a video conference call to realize advanced benefits. With a video conference call, each member of the meeting can interact visually as well as audibly, and capture non-verbal communication, in addition to verbal communication while allowing participants to feel more valuable as a part of the team. In addition, a video conference call can play a key role in communicating with distant or overseas clients who desire a more hands-on relationship.
The enterprise can also take advantage of web conferencing options for their conference calls. Such a platform can deliver all of the benefits of teleconferencing, while also facilitating web interactions for live, interactive presentations. For those meeting or training participants who want a chance to review the content, it can be available online for reference or to be used again.
With so many options in communications, it can be challenging for the organization to select just one. The good news is that only selecting one will limit the organization’s ability to communicate in the method that best suits the meeting and its audience and the best method is to offer more than one option.
Take for instance the CEO who must sit it on the year-end meeting to appease board members and ensure the company is ready to release its quarterly reports. The CEO is actually vacationing in Mexico and the meeting is scheduled in the middle of his beach time. He can still adequately participate in the conference call via teleconferencing, but is likely to dislike the video conferencing option as he is sporting his latest beach wear.
While this example may be a little less likely, communicating with a client who prefers not to be on video is quite possible. Having the ability to offer this client their preferred method of communication is essential to making him or her feel comfortable – a key element to winning and maintaining his or her business.
For the most complete selection of conferencing tools available, organizations must turn to a vendor who can provide what they need and when they need it. A proven solutions provider can help to best identify those needs and the solutions to have in place to promote positive and productive communications. It is the necessary evil of the business world – and a great way to get things done.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Three Forms Of Conference Calling Services
Conference calling services have revolutionized the way that businesses are run and have now allowed businesses to be ran all over the world from one place. This means that customers, associates, and even business partners are now able to communicate without having to travel half way around the world!
There are three main forms of conference calling and they are: audio conferencing, web conferencing, and video conferencing.
The most popular form of conference calling used is audio conferencing. The reason this is the most popular form is because it has been around for the longest and its cost effectiveness saves the company money. This is also the easiest form to use because all you need is a telephone. The only problem businesses have found is they are unable to see the people they are talking with and they are unable to see any images or information instantly.
The newest of the three forms of conferencing is web conferencing. This form of conferencing uses webcams to broadcast the conference over the internet. The biggest bonus of this conference is that all the participants are able to send all files, text messages, and visual aids instantly so that all participants are able to see them. The great thing about web conferencing is that you get all the great benefits of audio and video conferencing and you gain the ability to share files instantly.
The third form of conference calling is video conferencing. This is probably the most expensive of all the forms because of the cost of the equipment which means only the big companies use this form. Changes in technology have brought the cost down a little bit allowing smaller companies to use this form but many try to avoid it. To perform a video conference call you need to have a television and a camera on every end of the call which allows all of the members to hear and see each other but it is expensive. Video conferencing is effective if you plan to hold meetings frequently but you should expect to have many problems with equipment.
Those are the three forms of conference calling services that businesses can choose from.
Friday, November 30, 2007
AT&T Delivers VoIP to Small Offices
The plan includes unlimited local and long-distance calling in North America, and the ability to send and receive faxes for $49.99 per month.
Subscribers can add premium features, such as choosing up to nine phone numbers with programmable calling features for $7.49 per number, per month. The additional numbers can be local to the firm or assigned area codes anywhere in the country.
Other options include directing calls based on who is calling for $1.99 per month and conference calling for up to 10 lines at a flat fee of 35 cents per minute.
Gary Morgenstern, a spokesman for the Bedminster, N.J., carrier, said the company's residential VoIP roll out last year "helped the business side of the house."
He went on to say that business decision-makers saw the technology was good enough to be deployed to residential users nationwide and were convinced it was ready for business use as well. Details of the company's marketing plan for the SOHO offering are not yet set, he said.
Several service providers have VoIP offerings that could fill the need for some SOHO customers, including telecom carrier Verizon and startups Vonage and Net2Phone.
And Covad Communications has been expanding its small businesses footprint.
AT&T first announced its VoIP plans in December 2003 and started rolling out service to residential customers in late March.
In recent years, the company's long-distance revenues have dropped sharply, as customers switched to regional telecoms and national wireless providers.
On the enterprise business side, AT&T already carries more IP traffic on its network than any other U.S. company. AT&T has been offering VoIP to business customers through virtual private network services since 1997.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Skype, Vapps offer free conference calling
The two companies on Thursday launched,where Skype users can sign up for free conference rooms. Conference-call participants can also use traditional landline telephones to join the Skype conferences, but long-distance charges may apply. For Skype users, there are no fees, the companies said.
Last month, Skype announced thatall SkypeOut calls to landline and mobile phones within the U.S. and Canada will be free. The company hopes the free calling in those countries will expand Skype's penetration in North America, and willattract more people to Skype's premium products and services, Skype said.
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Skype offers SkypeIn, a pay service that allows users of landline and mobile phones to call in to a Skype phone. The company also offers a variety of VOIP-related hardware, some of it targeted toward small-business users. With hardware partners, Skype sells a speakerphone, a box that converts traditional phones to Skype phones, and a converter box for multiple users.
The new conferencing service appears to be targeted toward small and medium-sized business (SMB) users, as Skype looks to gain market share in that area, said Rebecca Swensen, a VOIP services analyst with IDC.
"Doing this helps them gain some market share in the market for enterprises and small businesses," Swensen said. "I'm sure Skype is trying to get them to see that using Skype in their sales departments is a lot cheaper that [traditional] telephone service."
Vapps, in Hoboken, New Jersey, is a supplier of VOIP conference-calling services and software focusing on the SMB market.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Best Buy: Free Conference Calling Services

There is much truth to this statement. If you buy a used watch on Ebay for $10, consider yourself lucky if it comes with a wristband- or hands. If you buy a jalopy for a hundred bucks from a used car salesman named Guido, cross your fingers before you turn that key. And how about that 6-day, 5-night getaway cruise to the Bahamas, for $200? It is probably nothing more than a ferry boat ride and a tour of roach motels. In one sense, you do get what you pay for. But there is also truth in the statement that "the best things in life are free." Watching a sunset, receiving a compliment, or seeing your firstborn child take her first step are all priceless moments. Free conference calling services can be one of life's priceless moments, too.
How It Works
After singing up for free conference calling services, you get your own conference number. You can use this number for any conference calls within the United States, and sometimes around the world as well. Companies can afford to offer free conference calling services because they charge for other services. Nationwide long distance carriers cover the fees. Sometimes, however, extra charges are required to avail of special services, such as downloading files or adding more conference participants, the number of which exceeds the maximum presently allowed.
No Free Lunches
These extra charges prove that nothing in life is really free, including "free" lunches. Someone pays for them. Likewise, free conference calling services are not totally free, and in the long term, traditional conferencing services could save your company more money. In fact, participants can avail of free conference calling services by paying the local or long distance charge to access the company's service computer. The exception is only when the conference organizer pays a small fee per minute per caller, to provide truly toll-free calling service to the caller.
To Free Or Not to Free - That Is the Question!
When choosing a conference calling service, find one that best meets your business' needs. Factor in such considerations as budget, scope, and size. To begin with, determine if free conference calling services is what you really need. A "Fortune 500" company that needs audio and web conferencing should go with a non-free conference call service provider. However, free conference calling services are generally ideal for small to medium-size businesses that can live without the extra services and features that full conference calling companies provide. Furthermore, if your company realizes that free conference services do not include toll-free calls and if they only need audio conferencing, then "free is key."
Benefits, Benefits, Benefits
When considering free conference calling services, it is wise to look at the features that may be included.
* No waiting and no reservations
* Digital fiber-optic lines
* Support for Voiceover Internet Protocol, or VOIP services
* Use of your conference number at any time and for an unlimited time
* Participant capacity ranging from 100 to more
* MP3 recording for archiving, sharing, and playback
* Support of any calling device, such as a cellular phone, broadband phone, traditional phone, desktop softphone, and many others
* Unlimited international conference calls using traditional calling tools, or VoIP
* Computers are unnecessary for audio conferencing
Free conference calling services are not perfect for every company. Neither do they come completely for free. They have their uses, however, and when utilized well, they can prove to be the best deal of the year.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
conference calling
CONFERENCE CALLS are an annoyance to entrepreneurs whose firms don't have advanced telephone systems that enable them to speak with multiple parties at once.
But with AT&T's new Click2Dial Conferencing , you use the Web to make these calls, entering the names and numbers of the people you want to call and when you want to call them. Click2Dial costs 15 cents per minute, per person.
At the scheduled time, AT&T automatically dials the listed parties. "All you need is one phone line and Internet access," says Janet Stone, a media relations director for AT&T. "The other people on the conference call don't even know you're using the Internet to call them."
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Conference Calling
Telcos then extended their market by providing conference calling services to home consumers for an added fee. For some, it made sense to be able to bring a family or group with common interests together easily, usually to plan some physical event.
With the expansion of the internet, and in particular, the increasing availability and decreasing pricing for high speed internet access, conference calling has expanded far beyond its original uses.
For business, it remains a vital tool and has, actually, become far more useful as prices fall and the ease of use increases. Real time audio/video conferencing is already in use (and in some organizations has been for quite some time). As the cost of bandwidth decreases and the technology underlying audio-video transmission over networks improves, true real-time video conferencing will increase dramatically.
With the growing sophistication of the typical surfer and the expansion of internet marketing, audio and video have become hot items. Within the internet marketing community, conference calls - usually known as teleseminars, have become a standard feature. Offering the opportunity to reach a large group of interested prospects in a relatively simple and inexpensive format, teleseminars also offer the marketer an opportunity to create an instant product. A recording of a teleseminar can either be sold as a stand-alone product or used as a marketing tool for back-end products.
Marketers are using both free and paid teleseminars. Generally there is a higher level of injected sales content in free teleseminars, but it does vary a great deal.
Solutions available now range from the rather expensive to essentially free. Your choice is going to depend on exactly what level of service you require. There are a number of providers which offer an introductory pricing scheme (I've seen it as low as a $1 for the first month), which gives you the opportunity to see firsthand how their service works at a very modest cost. You do need to make sure you understand just how your users will access the conference. Solutions which use telephone call-ins are generally more restrictive and/or expensive than those utilizing an internet connection or VoIP softphone connections.
True real-time audio/video conferencing hasn't arrived yet for most. The bandwidth requirements remain excessive and the quality of the video, in particular, is fairly low. If you ever done live chat with audio and a web camera, you've seen the limitations.
Most online presentations which involve both audio and video generally use static images which change either rarely or slowly, such as charts, website images, topic outlines and so on. This can be extremely useful for teleseminars, of course, because it makes it easier to demonstrate certain points and provides a visual as well as an audio focus for participants.
The combination of audio and visual elements is particularly useful in training situations where one can reinforce the other. Plus, you have the advantage of reaching those who learn better through visual means, as well as those partial to audio.
For those of you doing eCommerce the evolved conference call can be an incredible tool. Consider how much impact regular teleseminars about your area of expertise could have on future sales. You can provide buyers with instructional teleseminars. You can introduce new products. And in each instance you'll be generating recordings which you can either sell or make available on your sites, or use as added viral marketing tools.
With the increasing sophistication and usability of the tools for conference calling, the possibilities are virtually unlimited and well within the reach of every entrepreneur. You'll be hard pressed to find another tool that offers you the impact and potential of the conference call.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Conference Call
I was amazed to learn that there is a company that provides free conference calls. You read it right ... free conference calls.
Apparently, they build their own equipment and offer the free conference calling in the hope that folks might upgrade to their paid plan. (With the free service, callers must dial into non-toll-free number.)
While I need to compare Integrated Data Concepts Teleconferencing Services with the other conference call providers, this sounds like a pretty slick idea.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Whole About Conference Calling
The biggest advantage, for many companies, in choosing audio or web conferencing over video conferencing is the cost. Audio conferencing tends to be the cheapest. Virtually the only costs involved when choosing audio conferencing is the cost of a telephone and then the charge of a long distance call. Many companies already have phones with a built-in speakerphone and if not they can be purchased for as little as $100.
However there are disadvantages in choosing audio conferencing as well. The first distinct disadvantage is that businesses lose personal relations when all they hear is a colleague's voice. Jokes and remarks can be taken the wrong way or be offending when those involved can not see a caller's smile of facial expression. Another disadvantage to audio conferencing is that the quality of the call declines as additional locations are added. When several parties are involved the chance of two of them talking at the same time are great and neither of them will have their thoughts heard.
Web conferencing offers its rewards and shortcomings as well. While web conferencing can be free, it is usually in the companies best interest to choose to pay a little more to avoid annoying ads and pop ups. Web conferencing is especially useful for business calls that involve viewing digital files because these files can be sent in an instant via email to all parties involved. Documents can be viewed, analyzed and returned so they can be discussed all at once rather than waiting and communicating through mail or several phone calls. Web conferencing also allows more than one person to talk or type at once without going unheard.
Like any type of conference calling though, web conferencing also has its disadvantages. One of these down sides is that, again, it is difficult to gauge a person's seriousness or humor in a comment. There is no personality in a typed sentence. It is also difficult for those who are uncomfortable with technology to use web conferencing efficiently.
Finally the biggest advantage to video conferencing is that it offers a visual connection with the other attendees. When using video conferencing callers are able to view each other on a TV screen and hear each other through the speaker system. Associates are able to hear each other's voices, put a voice to a face, and understand each other's joke and comments. Financially, the cost of video conferencing is quite a bit higher due to the equipment that is involved. If equipment is not high quality it can also be limiting because the video feed can be jerky or delayed. Whatever type a business chooses, every type of conference call has it ups and downs.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Free Long Distance and International Calls
Award-winning Voice 2.0 company Talkster announced today the availability of a new consumer calling service offering completely free long distance and international calls and conference calling all over the world. The service is appropriately named Talkster's Free World Dialing™.
Talkster's Free World Dialing gives consumers the ability to make free international and long distance calls from their cell phones, landlines, computers or VoIP phones. No registration or credit card is ever required and callers won't need any new software or downloads to use the new Talkster service, just their existing phone. Advertising and special personalized offers for callers cover the cost of the calls.
To use Talkster's Free World Dialing service today simply visit on your mobile phone's browser or go to on your computer. The service can even be used through simple SMS text messaging. At the site, enter your name and the phone number from which you will place the call, along with the name and phone number of the person you want to call. Talkster will assign you and your friend a free local Talkster number that you can save in your phone's address book to use anytime you want to talk with your friend for free.
Talkster's Free World Dialing also offers callers the ability to set-up free conference calls with up to five friends all over the world on any combination of phone types; from mobile phones to landlines and even instant messenger services with voice such as Google Talk, Yahoo!, AOL, or MSN.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Web And Audio Conferencing
The Benefits Of Web And Audio Conferencing
In this regard, web and audio conferencing have taken the IT boom to its next level of revolution. Today, equipped with the Internet technology, we are able to carry out conferences with people all over the world while sitting in our office. Web and audio conferencing has enabled the postmodern world in connecting with a virtual reality through the medium of cyber space.
With web and audio conferencing, large business organizations are able to deal with their clientele and other associates within seconds. The video aspect of the conference allows the maintaining of a physical aspect of the communication which is a part of virtual reality.
Some Basic Requirements Of Web And Audio Conferencing
To facilitate the Internet web and audio conferencing, you must have Windows, Java, Linux or Mac software and an internet connection of at least minimum 128kbps. For video conference, VOIP (voice over Internet protocol) is mandatory and a camera which will help in receiving and sending the analog digital message in the form of audio and video.
This is the cheapest medium of communication which saves a lot of money and time as it can be established almost instantly and does not require a huge amount of investment in comparison of the expenses on traveling for business and personal use. It is the easiest medium of maintaining one-to-one conference which can be highly efficient in running a business. Thus, web and audio conferencing is the new technological revolution, which enables the IT revolution to move to the next level.
Web And Audio Conferencing
The Benefits Of Web And Audio Conferencing
In this regard, web and audio conferencing have taken the IT boom to its next level of revolution. Today, equipped with the Internet technology, we are able to carry out conferences with people all over the world while sitting in our office. Web and audio conferencing has enabled the postmodern world in connecting with a virtual reality through the medium of cyber space.
With web and audio conferencing, large business organizations are able to deal with their clientele and other associates within seconds. The video aspect of the conference allows the maintaining of a physical aspect of the communication which is a part of virtual reality.
Some Basic Requirements Of Web And Audio Conferencing
To facilitate the Internet web and audio conferencing, you must have Windows, Java, Linux or Mac software and an internet connection of at least minimum 128kbps. For video conference, VOIP (voice over Internet protocol) is mandatory and a camera which will help in receiving and sending the analog digital message in the form of audio and video.
This is the cheapest medium of communication which saves a lot of money and time as it can be established almost instantly and does not require a huge amount of investment in comparison of the expenses on traveling for business and personal use. It is the easiest medium of maintaining one-to-one conference which can be highly efficient in running a business. Thus, web and audio conferencing is the new technological revolution, which enables the IT revolution to move to the next level.
Web Conferencing services
As you learn more about how others are able to work with their Web Conferencing services you will quickly see how these services can be much more useful to you. Spend the necessary time to become good at using and working with your Web Conferencing service and the benefits you will get will be well worth it.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Conference calls made cheap
Sure, the service had worked as advertised during a brief, insignificant initial test call. But call No. 2 for the Glen Rock attorney was with a judge, and a system failure would have been embarrassing.
He needn't have worried, LaRocca said. "It worked fine."
Not only did the conference calling go through without a flaw, but it was also free, except for the cost of the call to a telephone center in the Midwest.
That made LaRocca a believer.
web conference callings is the brainchild of Dave Erickson. In six years, it has attracted more than 500,000 customers making 1.5 million connections a month.
Many of them are attorneys like LaRocca, but the California-based conference-calling service has attracted a variety of other businesses seeking a low-cost Conference calling alternative to AT&T and other providers, Erickson said.
The premise is simple. Go to the company's Web site, provide your name and e-mail address, get assigned a telephone number, access number, and PIN code, and you have immediate access to conference-calling services 24/7.
The cost? Zero.
Could this be the proverbial "free lunch" that supposedly doesn't exist?
In a way it is, LaRocca said. He has used the service numerous times since signing up nearly two years ago, and hasn't paid a cent except for his long-distance call into the conference center. And he doesn't even pay that when he uses the unlimited minutes he gets on his cellphone plan.
Before discovering Conference Calling , LaRocca was paying $20 to $40 -- and as much at $100 -- for a typical call.
That doesn't mean Erickson's company is a non-profit. It makes money through marketing fees paid by telephone service providers with excess capacity. Most are located in places like South Dakota, Iowa or Minnesota, "places that don't have population growths to lean on," he said.
In addition, he has used the free conference calling as a springboard to other telecommunications services, including toll-free and flat-rate calling.
"The idea is to generate revenue in a traditional fashion," Erickson said.
He declined to discuss the company's finances except to say that it is growing 10 percent a month and that he expects to continue growing "at a pretty good clip."
Nearly three-quarters of new customers come from referrals, he said. People are attracted by the service being free, but "the key to our success has been reliability," he said.
The average call involves six people being on the line for 33 minutes, but the service can be used by two people or 96 people for up to six hours at a time.
LaRocca, who specializes in family and matrimonial law, says the service is ideal for attorneys for several reasons.
Because there are no costs beyond the phone call, no one has to worry about who will pick up the tab and bill it to a client.
It's a "Dutch lunch," in which everyone pays his own way, Erickson said.
"When you're in the midst of an argument, you're not thinking about the [cost]," LaRocca said. "But when you hang up the phone, you do. When you write the check, you do."
At the end of the call, the customer receives call details, including who was on and for how long, Erickson said. "It looks similar to a bill, but there are no charges."
Customers also can request a recording of the call, and that can be played for clients and associates, LaRocca said. The recording also can be e-mailed to associates, who can listen at their convenience.
Monday, October 15, 2007
OneStream Networks Lands Multi-Million Dollar Global Data and VoIP Contract
Rochester, NY, October 16, 2007 OneStream Networks, a leading national end-to-end managed IP services provider, today announced a multi-year outsourced network, hardware and VoIP services contract with an international manufacturer and supplier based in New Jersey. OneStream becomes the single-source provider of the customers global communications infrastructure and services, including one of the larger hosted VoIP deployments in the country.
At the heart of the convergence project is OneStreams Smart Business Solutions portfolio, a comprehensive suite of on-demand IP applications and outsourced VoIP telephony services delivered and managed via OneStreams private global Quality of Service (QoS)-enabled MPLS IP network.
A Thousand Points Of VoIP
Avaya's Distributed Office, a SIP-based, distributed VoIP system, aims to simplify remote deployment and management. Avaya will preconfigure its IP gateways, the i40 and i120, to fit your remote branches, and its VoIP phones are included with gateways, which support a variety of third-party VoIP and analog phones. It offered good call quality and useful features, and was easy to manage.
On the downside, Distributed Office is a voice-only platform. If you're looking to integrate voice with other applications, such as e-mail, or if your branches would benefit from an all-in-one system that supports functions such as firewalling and routing, you should look elsewhere. Avaya is aiming at companies that will find the low starting price of $350 per seat for 20 users and ease of deployment a square trade for all-inclusive hardware.
Cisco, Avaya's main competitor, is taking a different approach. Its UC500 with Call Manager Express is similar to the i40 in voice service, but it also provides WAN access, routing, and a firewall. If a branch has more than 50 users, it would have to move to the ISR line, increasing costs significantly and maybe providing more horsepower than you need.
Distributed Office starts with Avaya's SIP Enablement Services Edge switch, which handles incoming SIP connections at corporate headquarters, routes calls among branches, and provides a management workstation to remotely administer the i40 and i120 gateways (see diagram below).
Next are the gateways. The i40 is a 2U rack-mounted unit that supports as many as 40 users. It has 10 power over Ethernet ports to power phones directly. The 4U rack-mounted i120, which supports up to 120 users, has 40 PoE ports. If you need to support more phones, add a PoE switch, from either Avaya or a third party.
Voice mail is stored locally on the gateway on a 1 Gbyte (i40) or 2 Gbyte (i120) compact flash drive. Voice mail can be sent to an FTP or SCP server to move it into long-term storage. If you have Avaya's centralized Integrated Management for Distributed Office, server backups can be automated, scheduled, and saved there via the network configuration manager application.
The i40 is appropriate for as few as five to 10 users, because pricing is based on seats, not a flat hardware cost; it starts at $350 per user, with volume discounts available. Distributed Office includes Avaya's One-X VoIP phones in the per-seat price. They have basic features, such as forwarding, conference calling, and speed dial, and niceties such as auto-attendant, announcements, and routing. The i40 and i120 include fax ports.
Avaya will ship the platform pre-configured to your specs. For $100 per system (not per seat), Avaya will load a profile configuration, test it, and place the unit and endpoints in a single box. This can save a lot of time, allowing for a much faster cutover because the primary configuration is done. The base price includes pre-configuration of media modules. And if you prefer not to install the gateways, Avaya Services will do it--for a fee, of course.
We tested two i40s and an i120 connected by the SES server and an assortment of the IP phones. We used a workstation with the Avaya Integrated Management console to configure and manage the devices. Call quality was good in a variety of scenarios, including three-way calls and calls to remote devices off the IP network through the PSTN.
As with any VoIP product, you must enable quality of service to ensure that voice traffic gets sufficient priority. Branches should have at least a partial T-1 to handle voice calls, but it can make outbound local calls through POTS lines, or you can route calls back to a central location.
The Avaya Integrated Management console is accessed via a Web interface. We could view the network by device type, subnet view, or a VoIP system view. We could push software updates remotely to both phones and gateways in branches, all from a central location. Install the Integrated Management Console on a workstation at your branch to administer all phone functions.
We ran into only minor problems, including an i40 that reset itself with no explanation. A One-X phone also reset and wouldn't reconnect until we physically pulled the PoE plug. Also, the screen on the One-X is small compared with some of the Cisco 7900 series.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Is Microsoft VoIP ready for prime time?
Enterprise Voice is the VoIP component of OCS, and it’s an important point of the Unified Communications goal of OCS (along with audio conference calling ,video conference calling, conferencing, IM, and Outlook/Exchange integration). OCS makes VoIP an integral part of working with Office applications. Users can make phone calls in a “click-to-call” manner to Outlook and Communicator contacts.
OCS also provides a similar sort of functionality as services such as Google’s GrandCentral, which allow users to integrate all their phone numbers. Users can register their mobile phones and other devices with OCS; they then receive calls simultaneously on all registered endpoints and can choose which to answer. Through the Enterprise Voice client software, users can also choose whether to forward unanswered calls to another number or log them for notification.
In addition, the voice functionality doesn’t limit users to calling within the local area network. Users with Internet connections can call into the office remotely. They don’t have to use a VPN or pay long-distance charges.
Cost savings go beyond substituting VoIP for PSTN calls. When calls do need to go through the PSTN, Enterprise Voice uses least-cost algorithms to determine how to route those calls.
PBX integration
Based on the SIP standard, OCS offers integration with a company’s existing IP PBX if it supports SIP and native PBX integration. That means users can use existing handsets to make and take phone calls, as well as Office Communicator 2007 on their computers.
A mediation server mediates signaling and media between the OCS and PBX systems. It’s necessary if you’re using a basic media gateway. If you have an advanced media gateway, however, the gateway handles mediation, and you don’t need a mediation server. Media gateways are devices that translate the signaling and media between the Enterprise Voice software and the PSTN.
When the PBX routes calls to users, it also sends the call to OCS. OCS then routes the call to the user’s registered SIP endpoints while the PBX sends it to the PBX phone on the user’s desk.
Another option is to set up OCS to handle phone calls for an individual department within a company while the rest of the company uses the existing PBX. This allows you to roll out OCS in increments within the organization and/or to deploy OCS only for those groups that need its features.
A media gateway can connect the OCS/VoIP group with the PBX. The members of these groups don’t necessarily have to be in the same physical location. If the team members are in disparate locations, they can use OCS for communications, which can save a significant amount of money in long-distance charges.
You can place Enterprise Voice either in front of or behind the PBX. Each option has advantages and disadvantages. Placing Enterprise Voice in front of the PBX means incoming calls come into the media gateway, and it routes calls to the PBX or OCS as appropriate. Placing Enterprise Voice behind the PBX means incoming calls go to the PBX first, and it routes calls for Enterprise Voice users to the media gateway.
OCS and Exchange Server 2007 Unified Messaging (UM) can work together to provide users with Outlook Voice Access. This makes e-mail messages, faxes, and voice messages all accessible from Outlook on a computer or over the phone via an access number assigned by the Exchange UM administrator. Exchange UM can provide voice mail services when you use OCS without PBX integration.
Of course, like any VoIP solution, a network or power outage may cause you to lose telephone service. In addition, problems with the OCS server itself may result in a voice outage.
You’ll want to have an alternative calling method available for emergency services (i.e., 911) in such cases. OCS doesn’t automatically provide physical location information to emergency services when a caller dials 911.
Another consideration is that when using PBX integration, users can’t use the OCS voice mail. That means you have to either use the voice mail system on the PBX or configure voice mail on Exchange Unified Messaging.
Deploying Enterprise Voice can be complex. If you have outside callers who use Office Communicator, you need an Access Edge Server and Audio/Video Edge Server so their calls can go through the firewall or NAT device.
The A/V Edge Server includes an A/V Authentication service that authenticates outside callers. In addition, you need to translate phone numbers to the E.164 format, create dialing plans, define usage records to assign call permissions to users, and populate a routing table for determining how to route which calls to which gateways.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
RingCentral Adds Outbound VoIP Capability to Virtual Phone System
“RingCentral is focused on the needs of small businesses and mobile professionals -- a market that’s been underserved by traditional carriers and hardware manufacturers,” said Vlad Shmunis, CEO of RingCentral. “With DigitalLine we’ve created the industry’s first on-demand solution that seamlessly integrates VoIP with conventional voice and fax communications. Our DigitalLine VoIP option further empowers RingCentral users to improve their professional image while staying in touch with their customers and in control of their communications.”
“Small businesses need the same kind of communications services large businesses need but without the cost or the administrative overhead,” said Rob Enderle, Principal Analyst for the Enderle Group. “By effectively using the power of VoIP to create a rich communications service, RingCentral has provided a solution that exceeds what most large businesses can afford to supply their employees at a small business price. RingCentral gives the small business employee an edge many large corporations will envy.”
Unlike other providers offering VoIP services, RingCentral does not require small businesses to rely solely on VoIP. By integrating all communication lines (mobile, home, office and fax), RingCentral provides a smarter way to leverage all the available communications technologies in the most time- and cost-efficient manner. As part of every basic service plan, DigitalLine enables customers to receive calls over the Internet at no additional cost. Small businesses can experience the savings and convenience of RingCentral DigitalLine VoIP and determine if the service is a fit for them, risk free. Through a service upgrade, customers receive a complete phone service allowing them to both receive and place calls over the Internet using a softphone, IP phone or ATA adaptor.
“My team and I are very impressed with RingCentral and the new DigitalLine option. Because our employees often work remotely, we rely on RingCentral to keep us connected and give our company a unified presence,” said Tom Sagi of First Data Independent Sales, a provider of electronic payment systems. “We have saved thousands of dollars by not using a traditional PBX, and now with DigitalLine, we’re saving even more money -- without the need to completely switch our business over to VoIP.”
With the only phone management service developed specifically to meet the needs of small businesses and mobile professionals, RingCentral to date has attracted more than 40,000 customers, and is signing up thousands more each month. With DigitalLine, small businesses can be even more productive and responsive to customers and save money at the same time.
DigitalLine Features and Pricing
DigitalLine dovetails with RingCentral’s virtual phone service, and enhances it with additional time- and cost-saving features. Small businesses can assign DigitalLine to any extension in their account and use Answering Rules to route calls to DigitalLine phones according to day, time and Caller ID. A unified Call Log keeps track of all incoming and outgoing calls. The enhanced Call Controller with SoftPhone provides the added convenience of answering and placing calls directly from the PC, conference calling, and recording calls for records or for sharing with colleagues. If small businesses prefer a hardware phone, they can use their existing analog phones with an ATA adapter or purchase a digital Internet phone that connects directly to the network connection. Customers can also use any SIP-compatible device that they may already own. DigitalLine also integrates with Microsoft Office and provides enhanced e911 service.
RingCentral is offering DigitalLine through three promotional plans. Introductory pricing is as follows(1):
* Basic - 4.99 per month — This plan uses customers’ existing RingCentral plan minutes for inbound and outbound calling anywhere in the U.S. and Canada. Additional minutes are added at the set plan rate.
* Standard - 9.99 per month — This plan provides 500 minutes of outbound local and long distance calling anywhere in the U.S. and Canada, additional minutes only 3.9¢ per minute.
* Unlimited - 24.99 per month — This plan provides unlimited outbound local and long distance calling anywhere in the U.S. and Canada.
(1) These introductory prices represent a 50 percent discount for the first six months of service.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
10 Essential Steps to Organizing a Conference Call
• Audio conference calls.
• Video conference calls.
• Webconference calls.
A conference call saves money as well as time and enables people to take decisions on the spot. There are what are known as conference call providers who offer conference calling services and charge their clients on a per hour or per minute basis. Once you subscribe you will be given a toll free pin number. This must be sent to all the people who will participate in the conference call.
The 10 essential steps of organizing a conference call are:
1. Decide on a convenient date and time. Be sure to inform all persons concerned.
2. Contact a conference call service provider and pay the subscription.
3. Send all the participants the toll free number and pin number well in advance.
4. Book a time slot to avoid confusion.
5. On the date of the conference call meeting all the participants must dial the toll free number and enter the pin. Once they have done that the conference call can proceed. All participants will be able to ask questions, provide answers and communicate with one another just as they would in a face to face meeting.
6. The host or person who has paid the subscription will control the conference. And if the host terminates the call the conference call will end unless arrangements are made to continue the call.
7. If you need to share data or illustrations then you would need to make arrangements for a web conference.
8. Always arrange for the conference call to be recorded.
9. Ask about the billing system. Most conference call providers bill by the minute and have a 30 day billing cycle.
10. Before you sign up check up on reliability of service and whether the conference call service provider uses digital lines.
These days, conference calls have become affordable as there is fierce competition in the market. And an account can be activated within the hour of subscribing. And calls can accommodate as many as 200 participants.
On your part you can ensure that you are using a phone with no static. During the call ensure that all other devices like music systems or televisions are switched off. Memorize all the buttons on your phone. Accustom yourself to using a head set. Make notes during the call and assign one person to record the minutes of the conference call. Create an agenda for the conference call and send it out to all participants. Conduct the meeting in an orderly fashion so that no time is wasted. It is a good idea to request all participants to introduce themselves when they speak.
A conference call can ease business meetings and save money on travel.
Always find out what services are offered by the conference call providers. Find out about rates and discounts. It is a competitive field so you will always benefit by comparison shopping. Select a provider who provides good service and is yet affordable.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Lets Look At The VoIP Phone
To use this service, you need an internet connection. The voip device works by allowing you to take phone calls as before. However, with this phone, the connection is now digital instead of through a phone line. A VoIP phone also has a gateway that connects you to a network. Your voice is then converted to a digital sound and this information can be sent in packets enabling you to have great sound and connection to people.
To hop on this new technology, preferably you need a broadband internet connection. Although VoIP can work with dial-up internet, the voice reception quality will be under par compared with broadband.
The main benefit of this technology is that the VoIP phone costs much less than a traditional phone line. This applies whether you use a cell phone or home phone service. Unlike home phone services, regular long distance callers really notice the financial benefits of a VoIP phone. The more long distance conference calls you make the more you save. As with a VoIP phone, the location of the caller and the person receiving the call is not important. This service is also perfect for travellers as you are also able to take your adapter with you.
VoIP phones are also cost effective if you wish to add to your service. For example, instead of the normal fee of adding a phone line to your traditional home service, you need only pay a minimal amount since those with VoIP phones need not install any additional equipment. Look out for special offers from your current broadband provider, many offer additional services such as an extra phone line for Free, with the uptake of their voip service.
Although there are some disadvantages many view them as minor in comparison to the benefits. Poor voice quality can occur when the reception is poor. However, this is something we already have to contend with when using cell phones. Also since a VoIP phone is connected to a broadband connection, if the company supplying you with the connection has any problem with its power supply, then your call will automatically be cut off. This may also occur when there is poor signal in an area.
Currently, the majority of companies allow you to be online at the same time as making calls. There are no limitations to this service and this area can only grow and evolve in the the future. VoIP phones will become more and more commonplace and easier to use. This will lead to VoIP phones becoming more popular than traditional phone lines. Utilise the vastness of the internet to shop wisely for the best deal for you. Keep in mind the locations you call and other services you want and or need such as call waiting, conferencing, an additional Free phone line/ phone. For a deeper review of what to look for when shopping for a voip phone please visit or dedicated broadband phone page
FreeConference plan to combine services
The partnership, to be announced later this month, is designed to deliver the first free, integrated conference calling and Web conferencing service, according a spokesman for Vyew, a start-up of University of California, Berkeley, graduates that was recently called Simulat Inc. Simulat is still listed as the official company name on the Vyew Web site but will be changed, the spokesman said.
Each company plans to embed the other's service into its own, according to the spokesman. Vyew subscriberswho want conference calling while collaborating online will be able to choose "Free conference call" in Vyew for quick access to Free Conference reservationless call service.
There are already some free Web conferencing services from Yahoo Mail and Google Mail, although they offer limited functionality, said Robert Mahowald, an IDC analyst who has seen an early version of the joint product. He said he was impressed by the resulting "good mix of features" similar to those seen in more complex Web conferencing systems from IBM, Cisco Systems Inc. and Citrix Systems Inc.
Even though Vyew is used by some large companies, Mahowald predicted that it will primarily serve small and midsize business users, or even small homebound businesses since larger companies tend to rely on systems administered and installed by their IT departments.
Free Conference will offer users a new service called SharePlus desktop sharing based on Vyew's technology. SharePlus will allow document sharing and application sharing in real time during a teleconference with the activation of a single click.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Ring 2 sets, controls conference calls from BlackBerries
The way it works, when the first participant has called into the conference, the conference leader’s BlackBerry buzzes with a message that the first person has arrived. The caller then asks the leader if he wants to see who it is. If the leader clicks yes, the device shows the person’s name, and then adds names as other callers join. The leader can also add people via the Blackberry and mute lines.
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“This seems like a niche market, but it might be something that customers like,” says Kitty Weldon, an analyst with Current Analysis. The service would be best suited to companies that issue BlackBerries to their end users and for whom conferencing is a big part of doing business, she says. Ring2 says it hopes to attract law firms, financial institutions and consultants.
InterCall has similar remote conference control for BlackBerries, but other conference-call providers, such as AT&T, BT, Premier and Verizon, do not.
Ring2 claims only 30% of call leaders dial in from their own office where their computer is available, so the BlackBerry controller expands the locations from which they can exert control. The company claims customers use desktop control of conferences 2% of the time, but use of BlackBerry control is 60%.
The cost of Ring2 Conference Controller for BlackBerry is rolled into the standard fee for the provider’s conferencing service, which is typically eight to 16 cents per minute per caller on a conference. For a large enterprise with more use, that price can drop as low as three cents per minute.
When customers sign up for the service, they get controller clients from Ring2 that they distribute to their BlackBerry users via the corporate BlackBerry server. End users don’t have to do anything to install the software. Customers provide the BlackBerries.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Conference Calling Goes Global
In a way, that reveals the new look of business. Convenience and speed have become necessities. Could that be a reason why many organizations are gradually choosing conference calls over the traditional business meetings? To begin with, business meetings usually involve a certain amount of delay. Even if the meeting starts on time, some amount of time will inevitably be lost while commuting to the meeting. That time might have been put to better use. Moreover, a good deal of time goes into preparing the conference room, inviting and assisting the delegates, and generally ensuring that there are no hiccups.
In addition to the waste of time, there are various kinds of costs linked with the traditional business meeting. Often enough, delegates have to be flown in from different places. This is more so these days, when the workforce is scattered across the world. Air fares and accommodation costs can adversely affect the company's budget.
Thus, more and more business organizations are looking to the conference call to have important discussions. This is especially important when the matter to be discussed is one of crucial importance and which cannot wait for a traditional business meeting. The "con call" as it is popularly referred to, provides a quick and efficient way to carry out discussions on a given matter. Moreover, the organization concerned then has to pay only for the conference call service, thus saving on larger costs like travel and hotel bills.
Also, conference calls need not be restricted to only domestic calls. International conference call services are easily available. Thus, one can simultaneously talk to someone from the same office building and someone living in a far-off land. These days, we have access to a variety of conference call service providers. The numbers of providers ensure that we will get good bargains.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Five Steps to Clearer Audio Conferences
Our legal professionals were frustrated by poor audio, low volumes, or static instead of content. How did we resolve these issues?
We established five rules for successful audio conferences, which can apply to the audio portion of video conferences or webinars, as well as the traditional teleconference.
1. Turn off your BlackBerry.
BlackBerrys emit annoying radio frequency interference that is picked up by telephones, microphones and speakers.
They aren't the only guilty party: To some extent cell phones and all wireless devices could be considered co-defendants to this noise complaint.
But BlackBerrys, because they are much more likely to be transmitting information, are most problematic.
Of wireless protocols in use today, Global System for Mobile or GSM -- perhaps the most popular -- is probably the worst offender because of the way it uses the electromagnetic spectrum.
Your conference microphones work by translating sound waves into electromagnetic signals that are then sent to your conferencing system.
Meanwhile, your BlackBerry is sending out pulses of electromagnetism to communicate with its network. These pulses are essentially highjacking the electronics of your microphone and sending those pulses directly through the microphone to your conferencing system. You hear these electromagnetic pulses as that characteristic staccato of buzzes.
If you can't get people to turn off their BlackBerrys, consider investing in shielded microphones and cables.
Audio Technica U.S. Inc. makes a whole line of shielded boundary microphones. We've had great luck with the model U841A. Make sure your cables are also shielded or quad-style.
2. Avoid using a cell phone for audio conferences.
The quality of cell phone calls is poor and often filled with static. One cell phone on the call can create enough noise to ruin a conference for the other callers. If you absolutely have no other choice, please mute your cell phone during the call.
3. Don't use your office speakerphone.
High-end Polycom Inc. speakerphones and built-in conferencing systems offer duplex voice transmission.
This means that two people can talk at the same time without attenuating or diminishing the volume of one another. Although your office phone is capable of duplex voice transmission, your office speakerphone is not.
4. Mute your microphone when not talking.
Microphones will indiscriminately pick up the slightest of movement, breathing, rustling of papers or side conversations. In order for the group to hear the speaker, background noise must be kept to a minimum.
5. Locate the microphone, speak clearly into it and keep everything else away from it.
In order to be heard, you must be within three feet of the microphone and speak directly into it. You must also keep rustling papers, tapping pencils -- as well as noisy laptops and projectors -- as far away from the microphone as possible.
High-end conference rooms often have the microphones built into the table top, which makes their location easy to ignore or cover with papers or lunch.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Low-Cost Conference Calls Get Easier To Setup And Cheaper To Pay For: JaJah Conference Calls
Keep in mind that JaJah, does NOT require you to use any headset, microphone or other special software or device to hook to your computer. You simply fill in the numbers/names of the people you want to call and JaJah does the rest by transferring all that info the public telephone network and ringing you and your contacts phones at the moment you initiate your call.
JAJAH Conference Calling is a new powerful feature now accessible on top of the excellent web-based JaJah calling service. The new feature allows you to schedule and initiate very-low-cost conference calls in a very straightforward and easy-to-use online set up.
The service is open to anyone, individuals, small businesses and large companies and it takes next to no time at all to get started on it.
JAJAH Conference Calls make conference calls easier than they've ever been - and cheaper (of course).
You can add up to ten participants to a single call and for frequent conference calls with the same participants, you can set up groups in your JAJAH address book.
Missing a conference call is also a thing of the past because JAJAH actively rings the participants to start the conference. And you can schedule them ahead of time and send yourself a text message reminder shortly before the call begins.
How does it work?
Simple. Instead of just entering the one number you want to reach, click "Set up conference call" to enter additional numbers or contacts. You can add up to 10 participants to your conference. The new JAJAH Conference Calls feature also allows the scheduling of conference calls, and – as an option – the ability to send a text message reminder to the conference call invitees shortly before the start of the call.
Another very useful feature called "Groups" allows the easy recording of individual contacts into a group as to facilitate calling multiple people on a frequent or systematic basis.
None of the conference call attendees you are inviting will need to register or pay for anything. Only one, the conference call initiator has to pay for the cost of the call.
All conference calls costs are completely transparent to you as the exact cost for any conference call you may want to initiate is updated in real-time as you add new invitees to the call invitees list next to the "Call" button.
Here an example of the costs: You are in Montreal, Canada (Zone 1). You want to talk to your friends in France, Belgium (Zone 2) and Guinea (Zone 4). With JAJAH, talking to your friends at the same time will cost you no more than 24 Cents (US) per minute. Compared to other major conference calling providers you may save up to 95% on a single conference call.