Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Lypp’s Free-n-Easy Conference Calling
IM will be the first mode for initiating conference calls. Users will associate an IM ID with their service and add Lypp as a friend. You’ll then be able to initiate a call by sending a command to that IM buddy, such as call [number, number, number]. Lypp will call your phone and those of your friends, connecting you all in a conference call. Most likely the calls are initiated and tied together over a VOIP bridge. Typing in my friends numbers instead of just selecting contacts on a downloaded application seems like it could get annoying, though.
They’re keeping it simple for launch, but have plans for an API, advanced in-call controls, recording, and possible location based. The API will integrate with calendaring, address books, and other complementary applications.
Friday, August 10, 2007
One Voice Launches MobileVoice Landline in Mexico
CEO of One Voice Technologies expressed his company’s excitement at the availability of IRIS and their strong relationship with TELNOR.
Weber explained that with IRIS users can simply pick up their phone and tell the system to call someone, read-send e-mail or make group calls to friends, family or business colleagues.
One Voice Technologies made news last week when the company, LTB Audio Systems, signed a strategic partnership to offer One Voice’s Media Center Communicator, voice recognition for Windows Vista Media Center, with LTB Audio’s new Q-Bean, a digital wireless device which offers everything from digital CD-quality streaming audio to a built-in microphone for voice control of Windows Vista Media Center and wireless Skype (News - Alert) phone calling.
One Voice Technologies, located in La Jolla, Calif.,. develops fourth-generation voice solutions for the telecom and interactive multimedia markets. Their Intelligent Voice solutions employ revolutionary, patented technology that allows people to send messages (E-mail, SMS, Instant Messaging and paging), purchase products, get information and control devices - all by using their voice.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Skype's free VoIP conference software brings new possibilities
Skype's free VoIP software allows you to hold conference calls with up to five people. All you need is the free download and a headset, and you can enjoy crisp, clear communication through your Internet connection. Skype is a secure way to make calls, so you can hold a conference with your coworkers with the peace of mind that what you're sharing stays confidential.
As long as the computer you want to reach has Skype installed, the calling service remains free. There are other plans available that allow dialing in and out to telephones for a small price. A PC Magazine review asserts that the Skype calling interface is as easy to use as a standard instant messaging service.
Because Skype's VoIP conference calling is free, you won't need to sign a contract or make a commitment. It's a great way to try using VoIP in your business communication because there isn't a financial risk. All you need is an Internet connection -- a faster connection makes for a better call -- and a headset to make secure, convenient conference calls that can help cut down on face-to-face meetings and improve productivity.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Cheap conference calls - Flat rate conference call services and more
The biggest advantage with cheap conference calls is that the clients do not have to make advanced reservations. Instead, he/she can avail the service by calling a toll-free number and other participants can join the conversation using a secret entry code, which the organizer of the conference provides to the participants. Further, in order to make use of discounted conference calling rates, one need not have to own any costly infrastructure. But one can manage the entire session with a normal telephone with conference features, whatever is the strength of the conference. Then there is added advantage if the customer buys bulk minutes; the service provider charges only lesser cents per minute if the customer buys more minutes.
Flat rate conference calls, on the other hand, charges a flat rate per month irrespective of the number of minutes of used. Such a scheme is suitable for those customers who consistently spend over $155 (say) a month on conference calls. The more calls they make, more they save.
You may wonder how the vendors are able to offer conference facilities at such cheaper rates. But the thing is that not all vendors are offering such services. Only those who have their own conference call bridges and phone infrastructure provides discounted conference calling rates and flat rate conference calls, and they could manage it as they do not have to pay for any over head, which is generally charged over the customer bill by most non-discount players.
Cheap conference calls are comparatively cheaper. But it is advisable to check the exact rates and conditions with the service provider before start availing the facility. The rates may vary from one vendor to another.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Tell Me More: Conference Call Bridge

Getting people together from different locations for a conference call doesn't have to be a painstaking process. You can use a conference call bridge to allow several individuals across multiple conference sites to share information and video in real time.
For companies doing more than six hours of conference calls per month, a conference call bridge can reduce hefty toll charges. Purchasing a bridge for your business is expensive, around $10,000 to $20,000 for the equipment and hundreds to thousands of dollars per phone line. You can request a separate recording device for archiving conferences for future playback, or use your own in-house recording equipment.
You can rent a bridge from a Conference Calling service provider to help alleviate the costs, but only if you use conference calls sparingly. Whether you buy or purchase, your participants are responsible for long distance charges on their end.
There are two ways to connect using a conference call bridge: dial-in and dial-out. Dial-in provides codes for you and your guests. You simply provide participants with the date, time, and access codes to join the conference call. With dial-out, you have additional flexibility to invite participants to join at the last minute. With both options, all participants are muted and can't communicate with each other. Your visitors wait until everybody has connected to the bridge and then you indicate when you begin.